What is mediation?
Mediation is a form of dispute resolution that can assist couples in various circumstances, such as dividing the matrimonial finances, or the arrangements for any children of the family should a relationship breakdown. Mediation can even assist later down the line, for example if arrangements that have been made before need to change for any reason, such as when the children of the family get older, and those arrangements need to be altered to suit their needs.
What are the benefits of mediation?
There are many benefits of opting for mediation when attempting to reach a resolution for your situation. Mediation is often less stressful than negotiations through solicitors or Court proceedings, as the Mediator will be present throughout the discussions and assist in helping couples to talk openly about matters in a safe confidential space. The Mediator will also be able to provide legal information throughout the process to assist the discussions whilst ensuring that both parties have the opportunity to speak and be heard.
The mediation process is often a much quicker and more cost-effective route to take than negotiations through solicitors or Court proceedings. At present, the backlogs at the Court are significant which can often leave families waiting months to reach an outcome.
Mediation can often be more beneficial for the child/ren as the outcome is reached in the most amicable way possible, which allows for a positive co-parenting relationship moving forward. Court proceedings can add further stress to an already difficult situation and may result in an imposed outcome, whereas mediation helps you to stay in control of the outcome.
If an outcome is reached at mediation, the Mediator will draw up the necessary documents to allow each individual in the mediation process to obtain independent legal advice. The documents from the mediation process can also be drawn up into legally binding documents.
If you think that mediation might be suitable for you and would like to discuss further, please contact us or 01296 747 151 or 01494 870 075.